Author Coaching

Writing alone is hard.
Together we grow.

When you get stuck there are plenty of online resources that tell you what to do, but knowing how to do it is another matter!

One-size-fits-all coaching doesn’t always help when you’re overwhelmed, intimidated, and struggling. Customized coaching helps you figure out what YOU should do next.

Learn the What AND the How 
Deeper Coaching not only covers the WHAT to do, but also the HOW to do it specifically for YOUR project.

Project reviews, bundles, and group coaching programs are priced for those ready to invest in their writing.

Evening and weekend coaching sessions are available.

97% of writers never finish their book.

20% who finish actually publish.

We can do this together.

Whether you choose a la carte services, a coaching bundle, or join the Consistency & Accountability Club, together we will identify the challenges stunting your progress, strategically determine your next steps, and develop customized strategies that get you unstuck. Face head-on the obstacles that hold you back and get help determining what will move you forward.

Organization makes a differences to your reader. A fresh perspective can expose any gaps you may not see and bring clarity to chapter titles, story flow, and more!

Self-Editing is a skill that can you can develop and it will make you a stronger writer and save you money with fewer rounds of professional editing.

Personalized Project Reviews offer one-on-one feedback that is customized for YOUR project.

Accountability is the foundation that leads to consistency. The Consistency & Accountability Club provides the building blocks to establish a firm base for your writing goals.

Learning to self-edit line by line is building my confidence. Your guidance is truly teaching me…and it’s motivating!

Jodi Aiken, Coaching Client

Deeper Outline Review: provides a customized-for-your-project Gap Finder Report that visually presents the holes in your outline and offers personalized explanations and adjustments to improve the flow of your book. Includes a 45-minute call to go over the report and answer any questions.

Self-Editing Review:
Includes a single-chapter assessment from your current work in progress and a written report with clear, easy, and concrete steps customized to your writing tendencies, including grammatical issues and specific “watchwords” that may be overused. For every “caution” there is a “solution” so you aren’t left wondering how to fix the issues. Includes a 45-minute call to go over the report and answer any questions.

Coaching Bundles:
Multiple bundles are offered depending on where you are in your writing project. One-on-one coaching is paired with a la carte services, and group coaching is also available.

Want to check it out?

Schedule a complimentary 30-minute strategy call and we will tackle a current struggle holding you back!